Butter, flour and sugar in the right mixture... and vupti Håkonskagen sees the light of day. The simpler you bake, the greater the demands on the raw materials. So drop the margarine, drop the bleached sugar and drop the conventional flour - if you dare.
250 g of butter
375 g flour
125 g icing sugar
1-2 teaspoons of vanilla sugar
1 pinch of baking powder
coarse cane sugar
Course of action:
Sift flour and icing sugar and mix thoroughly with vanilla and baking powder. Crumble in the butter.
The dough is gathered with the hands and rolled lengthwise.
Finally, roll in coarse cane sugar or tea sugar.
The dough rests in a cool place for 1 hour, and is then cut into 1 cm thick slices.
Bake at 175° for 8-10 minutes.
The cakes must not become dark.