Would you like to do a bird-weaving workshop where you learn how to make a bird from scratch? It could be in your local association, at your work, at the local library or somewhere else. Please reach out! We have been around many different places and it is always a good time.

I will start out by telling a story about how the idea of Flettede Fugle / Woven Birds came to life, and how on earth I've found making more than 100 different species - in paper. Then I go through the technical and practical - and then we get going. Everyone leaves with a minimum of 1 bird. Even if I have to weave it myself!
I bring my books, postcards, pre-braided birds and templates for two selected birds (selected for reasons of difficulty and to secure a high success rate). If some participant needs to be challenged further they can work with other and more difficult models. I also bring a small display of my birds.
Duration: A few pleasant hours plus half hour for setup and half hour for packing down.
Participants: From 7 years and up.
Number of participants: If everyone is to have the opportunity to get good advice, a 50-person participation is probably the top.
If it has your interest, write to me, then I will follow up with more details about materials, workplace, tools, price, etc.